Lost & Found

The last few years have changed you. What losses have you identified? And what gifts have you discovered? Design a Lost & Found workshop to examine these crucial questions.

Lost & Found Testimonial

“David was very uplifting. He created a safe environment that led me from contemplation, to emotions and into action to make my life different. This experience was so timely, meaningful and helpful.”
- Linda L

Lost & Found Workshop

What have you lost with all the disruptive changes of the past several years? On the other hand, what gifts and resiliency might you have discovered? David Hoover facilitates workshops called Lost and Found for groups from retired clergy to displaced workers whose employment has been affected. Through a variety of spiritual practices and safe small-group discussions, participants explore the toll and the treasure of disruptive change.  Call to discuss your group’s situation and work with David to create the ideal workshop experience to discover your resilience and serenity. 

Lost and Found workshops in the past year have included: a retreat for retired United Methodist clergy at Eagle Eyrie, VA, the retreat center of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Bryn Mawr, PA and Christ Episcopal Church, Tarrytown, NY.

“David clearly presents meaningful information in a simple way that leads to profound introspection.”
- Janice from Christ Church, Tarrytown NY

Contact David to learn about an upcoming Lost & Found workshop or to plan your own.

(301) 684-5363